Monday, March 9, 2009

Alot of tink tink tink

I'm not sure what has been going on, but everything I start has to be frogged. I told my husband I have knitters burnout. I started a swearter had to rip it out front and back just didn't match up not only did I frog it once but three times!

SOCKS ok how many socks have I made let's not count I really not want to know. I have frogged at least four different patterns. They are either too big, what's up with that I know what size I wear. The pattern doesn't work out right. The yarn I don't like for that pattern.

So I decided to spin just to get away from knitting. AHA! the alpaca is coming out beautiful! I felt like I had redeemed myself. I plyed a couple of spools and went back to knitting.

I think it may have worked. I'm now about to start picking up stitches for the gusset on my chain linked socks. Yes, I did have to rip this one out too. It was too big. LOL

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Debbie's Knitting

Welcome to my blog!
I'm just getting started so please come back and visit often. I'm just learning how to do this. How exciting to share projects and pics of all the things I make.
I like to spin my own fiber, it is so theraputic. I have been knitting for over 30 years, and I still learn new things.

My husband and I love to travel, he was in the military for 20 years, now retired.