Tuesday, October 14, 2008

busy busy

man this is a busy week, I had Kennedy yesterday, just love her, had her Sat. night too while mom,dad, and big brother went on haunted hay ride Yesterday day care was closed..go figure... so we had a good time. we over dyed some fiber it came out really orange, had lunch with mommy, made alot of play dough animals, and then daddy came home..

today we have to go to VA and drop off release of info so we can get reports to take to my doc for 2nd opinion on Randy's knee, something (lesion) is on his knee, that's all we know, the VA does things in their own time and way. So we are going to my doc to see what the story is.
then we are going to pick up some jewelry we had mounted can't wait to see it. It's some turquoise we picked up in Albuquerque. Then I'm having dinner with my girlfriend she's moving to Columbus next week, I will miss her, but we can have meet ups she won't be that far.

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Debbie's Knitting

Welcome to my blog!
I'm just getting started so please come back and visit often. I'm just learning how to do this. How exciting to share projects and pics of all the things I make.
I like to spin my own fiber, it is so theraputic. I have been knitting for over 30 years, and I still learn new things.

My husband and I love to travel, he was in the military for 20 years, now retired.