Monday, December 15, 2008

Afghans for Pine Ridge

I have been compassionate for the Native American Indians all my life. I remember when I was a little girl I could never understand why people would treat another people so badly. Then when I was in high school I was really upset learning and reading how both parties where horrible to each other, but when they took these people and moved them to reservations hundreds or thousands of miles from where they had lived and placed them on land that usually wasn't fit for an animal let alone a man I was appalled.

So when I met my now husband then my friend, and found out he was Native American we had something in common. I learned even more from him,then when we went on a vacation and drove to Pine Ridge Reservation and I saw for myself where these people
I was ashamed that
people would do this to another human being. Really I was outraged.

OK enough I could go on and on, I found this group on Ravelry and immediately became a member. This group is making squares for afghans mailing them to one woman and she is assembling afghans for the people on the reservation.

I have decided to just go ahead and make a couple of afghans and send them she will provide the address to me when I'm ready.

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Debbie's Knitting

Welcome to my blog!
I'm just getting started so please come back and visit often. I'm just learning how to do this. How exciting to share projects and pics of all the things I make.
I like to spin my own fiber, it is so theraputic. I have been knitting for over 30 years, and I still learn new things.

My husband and I love to travel, he was in the military for 20 years, now retired.