Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Going to New Mexico

Our good friends in Nm called the other day well, their oldest daughter called,apparently her father has been contemplating suicide for some time now. He had been in the hospital and was being released that day for another problem,when she called. I'm truly a believer that God puts where you should be for a reason and they came into our life for a reason. When my husband had a bad episode out in New Mexico ,when we were living out there, I had no one to turn to for help except these people whom I had only met maybe a month before. So now they need us, and we were/are preparing to jump in the truck and drive out there to help.

Then we talk to Lorraine, the wife of this man, she says, "Oh I don't think I want him back anyway" apparently things have not been good in their marriage for awhile. Then she called the following day and told us he was outside parked on the street living in their trailer, which he had taken off their property the day before and driven off. We have to laugh because this sounds so absurd,but when one has PTSD as he and my husband do it really isn't a laughing matter, it's very sad

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Debbie's Knitting

Welcome to my blog!
I'm just getting started so please come back and visit often. I'm just learning how to do this. How exciting to share projects and pics of all the things I make.
I like to spin my own fiber, it is so theraputic. I have been knitting for over 30 years, and I still learn new things.

My husband and I love to travel, he was in the military for 20 years, now retired.